We’re in the middle of prime vacation season, so you know what that means: time to head out on the road to your favorite camp resort. Unlike a campground, camp resorts offer amenities and activities for visitor’s convenience and entertainment. Here’s what you need to know to choose a great one.
Public family campgrounds are where 70% of campers spend their time. While tent camping is by necessity unaccommodating to long bathroom rituals, many family camping trips would be greatly improved if some members were able to bath more often, especially after a long hike. Anyone who has camped with older brothers knows this to be true. Communal showers are offered at many camp resorts, making the trip more sweet-smelling.
Some camp resorts even offer laundry rooms for those on long trips. The American Camper Report found that most camping trips last about 15 days, either in an R.V., a tent, a cabin, or even a yurt. Most families will have accumulated some laundry by that time, especially if they are participating in many different activities. By the time everyone has run out of clean underwear, trip morale takes a nosedive. Plan ahead: bring extra underwear, and look for a washer.
The traditional activities while camping are hiking and fishing. Today, camp resorts may offer a variety of water activities, such as pools for swimming, splash pads, and even boating. Other activities may include volleyball, basketball, and mini golf. At some locations there might be game rooms, theater rooms, and even Wi-Fi for those who would like to stay connected.
Why do you go camping? Is it for the beauty of nature? Nearly 47% of adults who go camping go simply because they enjoy it, meaning the trip in and of itself is the main motivation to take it. About 13% go on a camping trip to spend more time with their immediate family. While these reasons can absolutely be enough, having extra activities for everyone to participate in can make the trip quite a bit more fun.
If most camping trips last for around 15 days or less, it is best to have at least a loose schedule for how the days will be spent. Consider what the fourth day will bring, when the shiny new-ness of being in the great outdoors has worn off. What special activity will the family do that day? How about the ninth day, when everyone has run out of clean clothes? Everything will turn out fine, but getting to the end should be a pleasure, not stress-inducing.
It might seem like cheating, but camp resorts are popular for a reason. People want to spend time with their families, they want to get out of the house, and they want to unplug (well, mostly). All of these things can be accomplished with a little forethought and a little planning. For your next camping trip, remember that having an enjoyable time is the main component of any good vacation.