When you are thinking about going on vacation, there are countless options to consider that will shape your time away. Do you want to venture into a new city and sample the fast paced life of music, theater, shopping, various dining options, and more? Or is a quiet, scenic countryside visit more your style? Do you want to spend most of your time relaxing, or fill up every moment with exciting activities? Whatever you are looking for, you want your vacation to be incredible and memorable. And what could be more memorable than venturing up to the serene state of Alaska!
Wander into the wild
Alaska may not be the very first place that you think of when you start contemplating vacation destinations. But when it is mentioned, it immediately conjures serene and breathtaking images of great landscapes and seascapes that are certainly not everyday sights for most people or in most places. It is both a unique vacation destination and one that shows up on many bucket lists. In fact, the Alaska Travel Industry Association reported that around 1,857,500 tourists traveled to visit Alaska from beyond its state borders, in just a five month span. And it is no wonder that it draws so many. There are over 3.2 million acres of water and land in the state park system, the largest in the country. More than half of the acreage of the state is wilderness just waiting to be wandered through and explored. It is a haven and a paradise for those looking for nature, wildlife, and history. With over 75 parks dedicated to national and state park land and forests, refuges, preserves, monuments, and historical sites throughout the state there is no shortage of incredible things to see.
Planning your trip
As alluring as the wide open wild is, it is definitely not advised to do any wandering that has not been well planned out. It is quite wild land, after all, and especially if you are traveling from a city or are otherwise familiar with the terrain, weather, and wildlife, there are plenty of factors that could quickly turn your vacation into a misadventure. Whether you are searching for the perfect vacation spot or you know that you want to set out on some Alaska fishing trips, planning your stay at an all-inclusive resort could very well be your answer. The luxury lodge could be a jumping off point for all the adventures you wish to embark upon, or your all-inclusive resort experience could be everything that you wanted for your vacation. But whatever you decide to do, it definitely would not hurt to get a little pampering in.
Planning a trip can be a bit overwhelming. But knowing that you have amazing sights to see, a stay at a luxurious all-inclusive resort booked and waiting for you, and wild land to wander could make it all worth it.