The ticket is booked.
The flight time and layovers are not convenient, but the price is spectacular.
Although you were able to book your college daughter’s flight home for Thanksgiving using frequent flyer miles, that was not an option for the one way ticket home for Christmas Break. With no flight available for the Christmas flight, you found yourself searching high and low for the best options. And while the ticket you finally found was affordable, it is far from convenient.
Your daughter, however, is thankful for the ticket and is looking forward to the travel, even if it is extended. She has a book to read, a comfortable pillow for sleeping on the plane, and an in flight entertainment (IFE) for movies, trivia, and news reports. IFE systems, in fact, can make the longest flights bearable. From college students who are willing to watch the same mindless movie rerun hundreds of times to families traveling with children who are thrilled with any kind of cartoon, IFE systems, even if they are only available for a fee, make all the difference in today’s air travel.
Aircraft Display Systems Keep Travelers Both Entertained and Informed
It is called sound engineering, and it is a career that few know about, but nearly everyone benefits from. By performing six hour in flight comprehensive noise and vibration surveys on all large cabin aircrafts, acoustic engineers are just one part of the equation that makes IFE systems work. From these in flight tests, the hours of troubleshooting is able to determine the root cause and fix for random noises, vibrations, squeaks, and other sounds. This attention to detail provides travelers with a positive experience with the IFE systems that are on many commercial planes.
Consider some of these statistics about the habits of those people who frequently fly:
- 8 million people fly on average every day.
- 3.1 billion total passengers flew in the year 2013. This number surpassed the 3 billion mark for the first time ever
- 78% of domestic trips taken are for leisure purposes.
- 41% of airline passengers indicate that they watch movies when they travel.
- 21% of airline passengers indicate that they read when they travel.
- 17% of airline passengers indicate that they prefer to sleep when they travel.
In flight technology can include everything from USB ports to keep personal technology items charged to high quality sound systems that are provided through headphones. The continued advancements of the in flight monitoring systems provide travelers with a sense of comfort in a time when some of these travelers are anxious about safety and security issues.
Options like watching recent movies, keeping up on daily news, or listening to a variety of music choices can make long airline flights manageable. The decision to offer travelers the comfort and luxury of these entertainment options can help airlines standout from the competition. And while it might be nice for some travelers to talk to their seat companion about the latest news, some travelers just want the opportunity to relax. Even travelers who have no interest in watching movies can find relaxation in the high quality sounds of symphonic music or other choices.
As airline companies around the country strive to upgrade the interiors of their planes, in seat USB power manufacturers work to provide a variety of options. From charging stations that provide both ACDC power and USB connections, the comfort of many travelers is often determined by having access to their work even while they are in flight. Long flights, specifically, can allow business travelers an opportunity to review annual reports, rehearse marketing presentations, or research saved articles about a given industry.
In flight entertainment companies pride themselves on the products and services that they provide to travelers across the globe. And while some airlines are trying to make their mark in the industry by providing no fuss options that are affordable, there will always be a type of traveler who expects global aircraft carriers to provide many of the comforts of home, including high quality sound and visual options.
When is your next flight? If you are lucky, it will be one that is comfortable and provides you with a current movie.